Caroline's Circuits BLOG

All the latest news and updates from Caroline...

Am I eating enough protein?

Am I eating enough protein?

Is it ok to exercise every day

Is it ok to exercise every day?

The 80/20 rule

The 80/20 rule

10 hacks to enhance your sleep

10 Hacks to Enhance Your Sleep

Why you can’t outrun a bad diet

Why you can’t outrun a bad diet!

Why Protein is essential

Why Protein is essential – especially for women in mid life 

how long does it take to see results

How long does it take to see results?

How to get those workouts in during the holidays!

How do I know when I should switch up my weights?

How do I know when I should switch up my weights?

How strength training can help your running! 

How strength training can help your running! 

time to get outside

Time to get outside!

Strength vs Cardio?

Strength vs Cardio?

Why all women should strength train

Why all women should strength train

How heavy should I be lifting?

How heavy should I be lifting? 

exercise myth busting

Exercise Myth busting! 

Why am I still not seeing results

Why am I still not seeing results?

Lost your January Mojo? Here’s how to get it back!

Lost your January Mojo? Here’s how to get it back!

Circuits 101

Circuits 101 – the perfect workout to get started 

When will I start to see results

When will I start to see results? 

build lean muscle

The two most important things you need to know to build lean muscle

Kickstarting your training

Kickstarting your training and how to keep it up!

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