How to keep up your fitness on holiday

So summer is coming and it’s not always easy to keep up with the same workout routine you have at home, and let’s be honest, you might not want to. You might want to relax and enjoy some family time and enjoy your holiday but you might also want to make sure you don’t lose the progress you have made and to maintain that fitness for when you get back. I have the answer – pack these two items on your holiday and you can craft some brilliant summer workouts without worrying about finding a gym or stressing about weights! Cue the TRX and a resistance band! 

Two pieces of light weight, easy to pack equipment that can produce a killer workout anywhere! First up the TRX – developed by a US Navy seal, this suspension trainer gives you a mobile gym and the ability to target every muscle. My top tip – anchor your TRX to something that isn’t going to move for example a closed door or a tree if you fancy the outdoors workout! Perfect for both strength and cardio and also ticking the boxes for flexibility, coordination and balance. I love them! Take a look at my IG post here for some fab TRX exercises you can do anywhere in the world… 

Now let’s talk resistance bands – these are small (and lightweight to pack) but mighty tools in your workout kit. Much like the TRX you can use these to work every muscle group. They can even be a better option than dumbbells for many! Resistance bands use something called oppositional force so the more you pull on the band the heavier it feels, this challenges you to maintain speed and power to execute a movement throughout the full range of motion. It is great because you can vary the intensity of a workout by just changing the band to an easier or harder strength. You can get longer and shorter, easier and harder bands and if you have a couple of each you can build a great workout to cover the whole body. Take a look at my IG post here for some band inspiration! 

And finally let's not forget bodyweight workouts! The easiest of all for travel! There are some fabulous short sharp HIIT workouts which really pack a cardio punch with bodyweight alone. I have included a free 20 min bodyweight HIIT class on my website as well as a whole series of Express 15 minute workouts - take a look the next time you are on holiday. I like to get them done before it gets too hot and before everyone is awake and find it such a mood booster to have included some movement into my day. Just remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and apply SPF!

As always, any questions please do get in touch.

Caroline x

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