Live longer and live better

Live longer and live better

Want to live longer and live better? Strength train! 

We know that exercising regularly improves your health and wellbeing, reduces the risk of certain diseases and generally helps with living a longer and healthier lifestyle. When many of us think of “exercise” we think walking, running, cycling and often the value of strength training is overlooked, especially when it comes to living a long and healthy life!

Did you know that once you reach your 50s strength and resistance training is critical to maintaining the muscle mass needed to perform day to day tasks effectively? The average person will lose approximately one quarter of their muscle strength between 30 and 70 years of age, whilst there is a 50% reduction by the time we are 90!  A Harvard Medical School professor states “Just doing aerobic exercise is not enough, unless you are doing strength training you will become weaker and less functional”. So use it or lose it when it comes to muscle mass and strength!

It’s not only about your muscles, bones and body its all about your mind too. Did you know that research has shown that stronger muscles have been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s - the benefits for the mind really do extend beyond that of improved sleep and a better mood - you can read more here.

So how much strength training do we actually need to do to see benefits? 

It takes as little as 15 to 20 minutes 3-4 times per week to start seeing the results. You don’t need to be lifting huge heavy weights either! You just need a well rounded programme, with exercises completed with good form and a good measure of consistency to experience noticeable gains in strength within 4-8 weeks. 

With this in mind I launched my summer express series which is the perfect way to either get started and begin your strength training journey or to take the progress you have made on holiday with you. They require little to no equipment – a resistance band and some water bottles will do just fine and you can do each as a standalone workout or cluster them together for a longer, more challenging session, it's up to you! 

But don’t just take my word for it, here’s what one of my members had to say this week: “Morning, bit short on time today so did the 1st 15 min express …loved it!!  Spent 8 mins in the highest heart rate band!!  Normally take all my kit on holiday in this country and going to Florida for a week in October - was feeling especially anxious about keeping consistent while away - but now I’ll take you with 15 mins express on my iPad and my bands 👍😄, thank you, such a great idea for the summer x”

Caroline’s Circuits is designed specifically for training for life – functional training (more on that here), to fit into your daily routine without the need for expensive gym fees, or pricey equipment. With 4 live classes a week and a huge on-demand library there is so much to choose from. 

Find out more here.

As always, any questions please do get in touch!

Caroline x

The Importance of Core Strength for Women
The Importance of Core Strength for Women
Mindfulness and Fitness: Connecting Mental and Physical Health
Mindfulness and Fitness: Connecting Mental and Physical Health
Strength Training for Women: Why Lifting Weights is Empowering
Strength Training for Women: Why Lifting Weights is Empowering

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