Staying Motivated for Exercise

Top Tips to Get Your Workouts Done!

Staying motivated in your fitness routine is one of the biggest challenges for most people on their exercise journey. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, maintaining the drive to work out consistently can feel daunting at times. Life gets busy, energy levels fluctuate, and sometimes the motivation simply isn't there.

However, fitness is a long-term commitment that reaps immense rewards when we stay consistent. If you're finding it tough to start this September or keep your motivation up, don’t worry — you're not alone, and there are plenty of strategies to help you push through. Here are some practical tips for staying motivated and ensuring you get those workouts done!

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

One of the most powerful tools for motivation is having clear and specific goals. It’s easy to lose focus when you're just "working out" with no direction in mind. Instead, define your goals to give your workouts a purpose. Do you want to:

- Run a 5K by the end of the year?

- Take your first step into beginning an exercise regime?

- Increase the number of squats you can do to 50?

- Complete 3-4 workouts per week by the end of October?

Whatever your goal may be, make sure it’s SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. A clear goal helps you track your progress and gives you something tangible to work towards. 

Bonus Tip: Break down large goals into smaller milestones. Hitting those smaller targets will give you a boost of confidence and motivation to keep going.

2. Build a Routine You Enjoy

Consistency is key to fitness success, and the best way to stay consistent is to find an exercise plan that you actually enjoy. If you hate running, don’t force yourself to run every day. Explore different forms of exercise — from strength training to yoga, cycling, swimming, or dancing. The more you enjoy the activity, the more likely you are to stick with it.

You can also mix up your workouts to keep things exciting. For example, you might do strength training three times a week, cardio twice a week, and a fun fitness class on the weekend. This variety prevents boredom and keeps your muscles guessing.

3. Create a Workout Schedule

Treat your workouts like important appointments. Schedule them into your day the same way you would a meeting. By doing this, you’re creating a habit, which makes it easier to follow through. Stick to a set time of day — whether it’s morning, at lunch or om the evening — soon enough it will become a natural part of your routine.

Bonus Tip If you're short on time, even a quick 20-minute workout is better than none. Being flexible with your schedule helps maintain consistency.

4. Surround Yourself with Support

Accountability can be a huge factor in staying motivated. When you have a workout friend or a fitness community, it becomes easier to stay committed. You can join a local gym class, find an online workout group, or even check in with a friend for a walk.

Having a friend to do it together helps you to show up even when you don’t feel like it and have fun along the way too.

5. Track Your Progress

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing progress. Whether it's how many reps you can do, how much weight you can lift or how far you can run, tracking your progress keeps you motivated. There are plenty of apps and fitness trackers that can help monitor your workouts, but even something as simple as keeping a workout journal will do the trick.

Don’t just focus on physical changes, though. Pay attention to non-scale victories too, like improved energy levels, better sleep, or increased flexibility. These signs of progress are equally rewarding and keep you focused on the bigger picture.

6. Prepare Ahead of Time

One of the biggest obstacles to fitness is lack of preparation. If you plan to work out in the morning but stay up too late the night before, you’re more likely to hit snooze instead of hitting the gym. Preparing ahead of time helps reduce barriers.

- Lay out your workout clothes the night before and download a workout or book a space onto a class.

- Pack your gym bag if you're going after work.

- Plan your meals around your workout times to ensure you're fueled correctly.

By eliminating the excuses, you make it easier to stick to your routine.

7. Reward Yourself

It’s important to celebrate your progress and achievements. Rewards can act as great motivation to keep going. After reaching a milestone, treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage, a new workout outfit, or a fun night out.

8. Focus on How You Feel

Sometimes, it's easy to lose motivation when you focus solely on the aesthetics of fitness. While there's nothing wrong with wanting to look a certain way, remember that exercise is about much more than just appearance. Pay attention to how you feel mentally and physically after a workout — increased energy, reduced stress, better mood, and improved confidence are all incredible benefits that often go unnoticed.

By focusing on how exercise improves your well-being, you're more likely to keep it a part of your lifestyle.

9. Accept That Motivation Will Fluctuate

Motivation isn’t always going to be at 100%. And that’s okay! There will be days when you just don’t feel like working out, that’s normal. The key is to recognise that action creates motivation, not the other way around. On days when motivation is low, remind yourself why you started, and get moving anyway — even if it’s just a 10-minute walk.

More often than not, once you get started, you’ll feel more energised and motivated to keep going.

10. Be Kind to Yourself

Fitness is a journey, and there will be ups and downs. Some weeks, you might tick off every workout; other times, you may miss a day or two. Again that’s normal and it’s important to listen to your body. What matters most is consistency over time, not perfection. Be kind to yourself if you fall off track, and don’t let a minor slip-up derail your progress. Get back on track at the next opportunity, and keep moving forward.

Final Thoughts

Staying motivated to work out consistently is a challenge, but by setting clear goals, building a routine you enjoy, and tracking your progress, you’ll make fitness a sustainable part of your life. Remember, it’s not about perfection, but consistency and making fitness enjoyable. With the right mindset and tools, you can stay motivated and crush your goals!

Stay active, stay inspired, and keep moving!

As always any questions please do get in touch!

Caroline x

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