Kickstarting your training and how to keep it up!

January is well underway and you might be thinking about the best way to get started with an exercise programme, how to feel more motivated now that it’s super cold or how to feel inspired with a new training routine. Whichever it is, I have put together my top tips on not only how to take the first steps but more importantly how to stay consistent. 

You have probably heard it said time and time again that getting started is the hardest part – and that can definitely be true. So, top tip number one is to start gradually and build. Don’t go all out in the first week! The risk of injuring yourself if you do this is high (which will set you back), you’re more likely to burnout and jumping in at the deep end isn’t going to help with motivation. Set yourself up for success – start with a shorter class, a gentler run or body weight rather than a weighted session and finish on a high, ready to up the ante over the next few weeks. Play the long game!

Get your diary out and block out the time for those workouts in advance – make it as regular as you can so it becomes a habit. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’re doing your workouts at a regular time/day without even thinking, they’re just part of the routine. 

Now, talking about goals and planning – set yourself a goal for the first month, don’t take on the year as a whole. Focus on month one and make it challenging but achievable so you can look back in 4 weeks time and see how much you have achieved. At that point set your goal for the next month and maybe a slightly longer term one as well. As you achieve each goal the motivation to reach the next one rises. 

Sometimes the Christmas break gives us a bit of time to think and reflect on what training and workouts we enjoyed in the previous year and if any felt like a chore. The key to success is doing more of what you love, you’re much more likely to stick with it. So, shake things up for 2024. If that’s getting the post HIIT endorphins soaring or spending more time on your early morning walks then do it! 

Whether you’re new to exercise or an old pro these two points are key  – nutrition and recovery! Without adequate fuel, sleep and recovery time your body simply cannot perform. So prioritise a good, healthy, balanced diet with plenty of protein to fuel your workouts as well as early nights and rest days to give those muscles a chance to recover. The keys for success. Consistency is essential to seeing and feeling results so getting injured and burning out by doing too much or under fuelling is going to hamper any progress so please do look after yourselves and train sensibly so you can reap those long term benefits. 

Use the power of nature – whilst the UK isn’t renowned for fantastic weather in January and February, getting outside each day even for a short walk (and longer ones on those glorious sunny, cold winter days) can do wonders for your mental health and is a great way to get moving and improve mood.  Make a plan to go with a friend, it really helps to stay accountable.

My final tip is write it down! It's a new year and you will feel committed - write down what you do each day and if you miss a session don't feel guilty about it just start again tomorrow, all is NOT lost. Don't put too much stress and pressure on yourself in the first few weeks of the year. 

What are your top tips to stay on track and keep motivation high?

Are you looking for a new fitness platform to get stuck into? Try a class for free here

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

For more workout inspo and to find out a bit more about me check out my Instagram.

Caroline x

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