What makes a great New Year’s resolution?

Already you will have heard SO much about new year resolutions! How do you feel about goal setting? And more importantly how do you go about setting fitness goals that are challenging but also realistic? You will only stay motivated if they are achievable. Here are just a few of my top tips, I would love your thoughts!

Firstly I would say it's best to set smaller, daily wins and weekly goals from the start. These will not only build your self confidence but you will also have a sense of achievement which will add to the motivation. Plus you are more likely to stick with it. Remember that the small things add up and you will see both the physical and mental benefits in the long run. If you are starting out on your fitness journey you may for example sign up to your 5km local Park run and aim to attend two of these each month. Alternatively if you’re a beginner in the gym you could try a free induction or a trial class. Many online platforms also offer free workouts so you are not commiting financially right at the start to something which isn't for you.

Secondly be patient! Remember that transformations take time and don't give up if you cant commit to all the sessions you'd planned or have an off day or week. New habits can take time to implement so just start afresh the next day and get back on track. It won't be easy at the start but in the longterm the benefits will be huge! Remember 2 minutes of a new habit is better than none. The most important thing is that you've made a start and this will in time be a lifesyle habit. Write down all the activity you do as its so motivating to look back in time on your progress. Celebrate consistency!

Most importantly, these resolutions need to be something you can enjoy and it’s ok to take the time to work out what that might be. It can be really fun to try something new - maybe it’s signing up to a charity challenge with a friend or lifting weights, or even cold-water swimming for the very first time. If you're already a fitness lover, maybe set yourself a new PB as something you can gently aim towards. Whatever your resolution, keep the steps towards it small. Get outside in the daylight as much as you can too!

What makes a good New Year's resolution?

Forget New Year, New You - in my opinion it should be New Year, Stronger You! Use this time as a time to do one thing at a time and remember it's YOUR path, you aren't in competition with anyone else and you don't need to be NEW!! Forget thinking about where you will be in a year or six months and instead, think about setting daily habits which can then turn into new lifestyle choices.

Setting this style of resolution will help you to feel more confident and positive about your health and wellbeing on a daily basis - something that is both motivating and aspirational but also achievable.

Tips for sticking to resolutions?

As well as starting a journal (or exercising with a friend which is great for keeping you accountable) before starting any new resolution have a clear action plan to help you start and focus on what you want to gain from it. And keep it realistic as to how much time you actually have in your daily lives. Reference it every now and again to keep a check on how you’re doing. Mix things up to keep you focussed and DO NOT go all guns blazing in week one and risk an injury. Slow and steady wins the race!

Whatever you choose to do this January enjoy it - whether it's walks with a friend or a spin class or tennis. Exercise will not only improve your fitness, it will most definitely boost your mood.

Are you looking for a new fitness platform to get stuck into? Try a class for free here

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

For more workout inspo and to find out a bit more about me check out my Instagram.

Caroline x

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