Give yourself a break

There are many things that spring to mind when Christmas is mentioned – family, friends, food, festivities. Yes, it can be an indulgent time of year and many people find that exercise isn’t top of the priority list and that is definitely ok. In fact, why not take a look at your fitness/life balance and make a conscious decision to give yourself a break. Now you don’t have to go cold turkey but a week or two of reduced exercise isn’t going to break your fitness gains and it might just set you up for a great start to a refreshed 2024. Read on to find out the importance of taking a break at this time of year. 

We have all heard of work/life balance but how many of you have thought about your fitness/life balance? Your exercise and your fitness are a lifelong habit and a lifestyle you have chosen which is amazing. That said, it is equally important that it doesn’t overly impact time with family and friends, that it doesn’t diminish our enjoyment of events and doesn’t impair our ability to relax. A healthy and balanced mindset is what we aim for here, we can certainly appreciate that a good diet and regular exercise are vital for our long-term mental and physical health, but also realise that taking a break and indulging has its own set of benefits as well, and Christmas is a prime time for this. 

If you saw my recent blog on rest days then you will be fully aware of just how important it is to have days to let your body recover from previous workouts. If you plan some rest days around Christmas (and allow a few more than normal) you can relax and make the most of this time. In terms of mental benefits, a break from exercise around Christmas can be an excellent decision for your well-being and overall state of mind. This gives you time to enjoy yourself and make the most of the break without worrying about when and how you’ll next workout. You don’t have to go cold turkey, of course. You could switch up a heavy weights session for an express workout, a full body stretch or yoga. Another great way to get moving during Christmas is to go on long walks with the family. Dancing counts, too! 

Christmas is known to be stressful though & we must remember that exercise def helps with that. If time allows and it isn't adding an extra pressure to the to do list then then a short sharp sweaty workout could make all the difference. Why not rope in the rest of the family and all have a go together for 15 minutes? 

My one key take-away from all of this is that If you feel like you need a rest this Christmas, take it. The most important thing is that you find a balance that works for you and allows you to enjoy Christmas.. You might just find you come back with added motivation for January following a lovely festive break and your body will be ready and recharged.

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