Top 3 home workouts!

I have had lots of requests recently for my top 3 home workouts so here you go! I love these three because they each cover a different set of muscle groups so you can do them as a stand alone circuit or combine for a fiery full body sculpt. Secondly, you can do them anywhere so you can take them on holiday, into the garden or just in the living room! If anyone has been doing my summer express series you will see some overlap here! Thirdly, they all require minimal equipment making them super easy – if you haven’t got dumbbells you can fill up some water bottles and use those instead. Finally, they are all 15-30 minutes so you almost certainly find the time to squeeze them into a busy day or first thing whilst on holiday to make sure you stay on track with your fitness goals this summer. 

So here they are:

First up - ARMS! As many of my you know upper body is always my preferred workout of the week. My “Summer Arms” workout is a total upper body sculpt -  it’s challenging, hits all the different arm muscles and will leave you feeling strong and empowered to take on the day.  Aim for 3-4 sets (using v light weights and building up) and give yourself 15 seconds rest between exercises with a minute rest between sets.

summer arms workout

If you’re unsure on how to do any of these exercises, check out my Instagram post of this workout so you can see exactly how to do each one correctly, and safely. 

Next up I have a LEGS day special for you! This fiery legs workout (with or without a band) will test your legs strength and switch on the glutes which are the powerhouse of the body. As I always say in my sessions “strong glutes strong back” - having strength in these muscles will improve your posture, hip alignment and so much more.

summer legs workout

Again, if you have any questions on how to do any of the exercises take a look here.

Finally, last but not least, I have a fab ABS circuit for you - trust me when I say you will feel the burn! Why not tack it onto the end of the legs or arms above!

abs workout

If you’re stuck on how to do any exercises here they are for you.

Intrigued to know more or try a full 30 minute class? Try a class for free here or read more about the platform here.

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

For more workout inspo and to find out a bit more about me check out my Instagram.

Caroline x

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