Exercise for midlife and beyond

Exercise at any age has amazing benefits both mentally and physically but exercise for anti-ageing – is it really a thing? Whilst I am a big believer in embracing the ageing process there are definitely many benefits to different types of exercise that can help you to feel stronger and fitter for longer and keep you healthy inside and out.

Ageing is a natural process and one we should all embrace but there are certainly some aspects to getting older that I for one would like to help my body combat. This week I will go through just some of the best exercises for anti-ageing that you can do.

Firstly, one of the best (and most cost-effective) ways to stay fit and healthy is to walk. Regular brisk walking can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes not to mention the wonders a good walk can do for your mind.

Next up running – this can be a little controversial as it is relatively high impact and therefore carries a slightly higher injury risk but the benefits are huge. Running is a weight bearing so is good for bone strength (providing you aren’t at risk of osteoporosis – see more about this here).  Running is great for heart health, maintaining a healthy weight and again the mental benefits are huge. My advice here is if you are a running – keep doing it and if you’re thinking about taking up running then be sensible, build up gradually to reduce the risk of injury. If you are worried about injury risk with running or running just isn’t for you cycling and swimming are excellent cardio alternatives.

Yoga and Pilates – these are brilliant as they offer conditioning for your muscles as well as flexibility and balance work without any impact. So incorporating a yoga or Pilates session into your weekly schedule is an excellent idea and I would highly recommend.

Resistance or strength traininganyone who knows me will be well aware that I am a huge advocate of strength training and here is why. From the age of 35 both muscle mass and bone density begin to decline and we become more at risk of osteoporosis. Strength training can play a significant role in not only maintaining the condition of our muscles & keeping physically strong but also encouraging new bone cell growth and therefore preventing bone fractures/osteoporosis risks. The drop in oestrogen in menopause exacerbates the loss of bone density – it is estimated on average women lose up to 10% of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause. Using resistance-based exercises has been proven to help significantly with this and I have had personal training clients whose bone scans have been reflective of this.

So what would my recommendation look like as your week’s exercise? I would recommend 3x a week of strength training workouts (just 30 minutes is perfect) alongside 2 of cardio - which can be just a brisk walk or a cycle as well as a yoga or Pilates class if you can or a good stretch session at home. Always take rest days to allow the body to refuel and recharge – this is key to success and long-term health. 

Intrigued to know more about Caroline’s Circuits? I run 3 online classes a week all based on strength on my fitness platform. They are all recorded so if you cannot make them live you can do them at a time that suits you.

Try a class for free here or read more about the platform here.

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

For more workout inspo and to find out a bit more about me check out my Instagram.

Caroline x

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