Christmas and all of the build up can be particularly challenging if you’re in a consistent fitness routine, whether you’re working towards a specific goal or just trying to stay on track. I often get asked how do you keep up all your workouts and stay motivated when there’s so much else going on? The […]

Building lean muscle is often high on everyone’s agenda when they start a programme or begin their fitness journey. In the media it is termed all sorts of things like toning, sculpting, getting lean, to name a few but ultimately the goal is to increase lean muscle mass (and this does not mean bulking up). […]

This week we have World Osteoporosis Day (October 20th) which has the tagline “Build Better Bones” this year. It couldn’t be more accurate – as we build our strength through resistance training we are building better bones and building a body for the future. How does it actually work though? Osteoporosis affects one in three […]